Firearms are, as is well known, dangerous in the wrong hands. Those who handle them ineptly, amateurishly, could easily cause someone injury or even death, and those who intend to commit crimes with them are, of course, even more dangerous. And therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many people in our country who do not own any weapon of this type and have perhaps never held one in their hands. The fact that it is necessary to have a firearms license and an environment in which shooting is safe in order to own and use firearms is therefore completely understandable.

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None of us wants to find ourselves face to face with someone who intends to use a firearm against us. But despite this, it is not an ideal situation. Because there are also people who would like to shoot such a weapon from time to time, but cannot do so. Because they do not have one. And often they cannot even legally obtain one. It is therefore not fair to some people that they cannot get their desired firearm and use it. But it is a necessary evil. It is actually better not to provide a hundred people with a gun, even if they just want to shoot at a target from time to time, than to accidentally give it to an armed attacker somewhere in school once.

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But should those who do not own a gun resign and accept that they will probably never have one? Should they regret having an idea of ​​fun that society does not allow them to realize? Yes, sometimes it can be like that. But when such people are looking for a way to satisfy their desires, they can find a solution. They can, for example, visit a Prague gun range, where they will be loaned a proper firearm and allowed to shoot. Because that is where it is. The environment of this shooting range is safe and there are Czech and English-speaking instructors who make sure that no one gets hurt here. So people who would like to shoot just for fun can achieve their goals. And what about you? Will you visit this shooting range too?